School with Specialist Teachers near Arundel, West Sussex.
Specialist teachers are qualified teachers who have received further training in a specific area related to learning and can provide targeted, quality first teaching to pupils with special educational needs.
Our Specialist Teachers continuously liaise with subject teachers to disseminate useful individualised strategies which are then implemented across the College. Great care is taken to ensure that all pupils are supported to develop their strengths and overcome their weaknesses across the curriculum.
Intervention plans are comprehensive and structured based on information collated from the individual pupils Educational Psychologist report, Educational Healthcare Plan or other outside agency report and diagnostic assessment.
Specialist Teaching intervention is chargeable as an Additional Therapy.
To discuss this intervention further please contact the SENCo.
More information about Additional Financial Guidance.
Contact Slindon College
Sitting in the beautiful county of West Sussex, Slindon is a peaceful village, located just four miles west of Arundel and six miles north-east of Chichester.
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