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It is very important to us that our pupils enjoy their educational experience and that they eagerly engage with learning and College life. Pupils are encouraged to embrace opportunities to develop self-confidence and build self-esteem. We want them to be determined and motivated both in their academic and personal development and will work with them to explore occasions where this can be done in a safe environment, free from ridicule and with the support of the staff team. We encourage the pupils to accept tolerate and celebrate diversity and differences in others themselves and the wider world. We are proud of the work the boys do for their chosen charities and through their environmental work within the college community.

Core Values

Our core values are reflected in the curriculum and ethos of the College.

What are our Core Values?

The College’s five core values of Empathy, Perseverance, Integrity and Self-worth hold the College and its family of pupils and staff together in a journey of discovery.

Empathy The ability to understand and share feelings of another person.

Perseverance Persistence in doing something despite difficulty in achieving success.

Integrity The quality of being honest and having strong principles.

Community A group of people existing in the same place or having things in common and working together.

Self-worth To value yourself, a feeling that you are a good person who deserves to be treated with respect.

The House System 

The house system reflects our strong emphasis on community and traditional values. The College houses promote honesty, respect for others and diligence and we aim to instil these values in our pupils through the outstanding work done in House time by their house teams.

Looking outside of the College community for opportunities to help others during their charity work has enabled the boys to build a sense of responsibility and a greater understanding of the help they themselves receive, this appreciation of support helps them develop and act with humility. The vertical grouping of the Houses allows opportunities for pupils to become mentors and grow their own sense of responsibility whilst forming friendships and bonds that will endure. The positive influence of the House teams’ fuels a sense of family time within the Houses and this level of pastoral support enables high levels of adult input to help resolve and interpret life’s ups and downs. The Houses encourage pride, team values and a sense of positive competition which provides every boy with the chance to contribute in their own way. We believe that all of our boys will grow to understand their own needs and strategies to support themselves and how they can be supportive of others.

More information about the House System.

Personal, Social, Health Education 

PSHE is a programme of learning that provides a framework for the individual pupil to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepared for life and work. It incorporates several key areas and aims to bring a breadth of experience that is inclusive, progressive and age appropriate with an impact on academic and non-academic outcomes.

Topics are covered during house period, PSHE lessons and via assemblies which are taken by staff or, occasionally, outside speakers. The programme aims to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team working and critical thinking in the context of three core themes: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world (including economic wellbeing and aspects of careers education).

Personal Development Programmes 

Slindon College offers an extensive personal development programme driven by our Learning Support Department who work at specifically addressing issues such as: friendships, transitions, communications and interactions, resilience, social awareness and self-control. Personal development involves knowledge, attitudes, skills, relationships and behaviours that can be utilised inside and outside the classroom. This involves thinking processes, managing emotions, values and relationships along with a range of life skills that assist.

By following a programme of weekly sessions during Enrichment Activities we have been able to safely challenge the boys perceptions and shape their responses to situations that impact on their lives. A series of “I can” statements reinforces their progress and acts as reminders, should they need them. The programme feeds into College and church assemblies which leads through to the introduction of whole school themes following on from the classwork.

This programme is specific to Slindon College and is run across all year groups.  All pupils in KS3 and KS4 follow programmes which develop knowledge and skills in transition, resilience, communication and interaction, self-awareness, self-control, social awareness, confidence and optimism. All sessions are led by Teachers and supported by Learning Support Assistants. Pupils in Year 11 have access to Occupational Therapy support which provides strategies for self-regulation during exams. The same year group receive personalised academic support in the Spring and Summer Terms.

Slindon College is committed to academic progress but also offers imaginative ways of developing and tracking a wide range of young people’s personal qualities, abilities and achievements, as well as introducing them to new activities and challenges.

More information about Learning Support.

First Aid Team 

We always try to ensure that our pupils remain fit and healthy but in the event that they become unwell or have an accident we have an easily accessible medical care facility located on the first floor of the main house. The ‘Surgery’ has a dedicated sick bay with en-suite facilities should your son need such care.

Our Matron is highly trained and able to offer emergency first aid. There is a team of first aid trained staff who are on hand throughout the day to offer support some of whom have specific areas of training including outdoors first aid, diabetes, asthma, medicines awareness. We work with parents and medical professionals to ensure that our boys are well looked after and following their personal medical regime. All of our boarders are registered at The Croft Surgery who are our first point of contact should we need further advice.

The First Aid Team are clearly identified across the College by our ‘See It + Say It = Stop It!’ posters.

Mental Fitness Team 

The College has a strategic Mental Health Lead who oversees the College’s multiple approaches to Mental Fitness.  

Our Mental Fitness team run a series of regular activities and events to support mental health and overall wellbeing. These include weekly, termly and annual events and initiatives. 

Annually we take part in Mental Health Week, Inside Out Day and the Slindon Memory Tree. Our weekly initiatives include a woodland walk, gratitude journaling, our ‘time to talk’ programme, individual pupil meetings and daily reflection time.

"At Slindon College we have embedded robust mental health initiatives which provide a supportive environment. Our programmes enhance self-esteem, strengthen the school community, and promote healthy choices.“

Sotiria Vlahodimou.

A new initiative is the College’s ‘Learning Energy’ concept, which is a robust tool enabling pupils to be aware of their energy levels, understand how to self-regulate and implement tools and strategies that enable them to be in the best headspace to learn. The tool is utilised to encourage pupils to easily communicate how they are feeling and nurture themselves to make healthy choices when they feel dysregulated.

Our Student Mental Fitness and Wellbeing Survey runs twice a year. The analysis of results helps shape further improvement of the College’s Mental Fitness initiatives. Any question where positive pupil responses fall below an 80% threshold triggers direct action to address the area of concern.

All academic staff have completed the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Awareness course Level 2 and work in a manner that encourages openness and discussion, allowing pupils to feel safe and supported. Should a pupil want outside help they can call one of our Independent Listeners for confidential impartial support.

In 2024 we won the Excellence and Innovation in Mental Health and Wellbeing Award in the Independent Schools Association’s (ISA) Awards. The ISA set up their Awards to celebrate and recognise the breadth of quality of provision in independent education across the UK.

When announcing Slindon College as the winner of the ISA’s Excellence and Innovation in Mental Health and Wellbeing Award, the ISA judges commented: “Mental Health and Wellbeing is at the core of the school’s ethos. Slindon College have innovated with a new way of encouraging pupils to self-regulate and also self-calibrate their Learning Energy. This is an exciting scheme which deserves to enter the mainstream. Slindon College is at the forefront of excellence and innovation in promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing and is a sector leader.”

We also hold the Carnegie Centre of Excellence in Mental Health in Schools Award and took a Highly Commended Award in the Boarding School Association Supporting Excellence Awards 2024 in the Wellbeing and Mental Health category.

The Mental Fitness Team and Independent Listeners are clearly identified across the College by our ‘See It + Say It = Stop It!’ posters.

Food to Fuel Your Child 

All pupils are offered a snack and drink at Break Time and before Enrichment Activities. Fruit, homemade biscuits, cheese straws and more are available on rotation with water or a cup of tea or hot chocolate as a treat on particularly cold winter days.

All meals are cooked on site by our catering team and are taken in the Dining Room. Our meat and vegetables are all purchased through local, well-regarded suppliers. Pupils are offered a choice of two delicious main courses (one of which is a vegetarian selection), jacket potatoes, plain pasta with sauce for those with sensory needs or salad from our salad bar. Pupils can add homemade soup, smaller salad bowls, puddings, yoghurts and fruits. The catering team offer themed lunches to complement Cross Curricular Theme Days. To view the menu for the next 1-2 weeks click the utensils icon on the right of the screen.

73% of pupils rated the food as four or five stars.

Pupil Food Survey 2023


Staff sit with the pupils at meal times and this encourages opportunities for informal conversation and an improved chance of better table manners. We find this is a golden opportunity for staff/pupil engagement and the development of stronger collegiate approaches, often the biggest problems can be solved around the dining table.

Special dietary requirements for allergies or religious reasons can be met provided we are advised in advance. Please note our Allergen Information: All our food is prepared in a kitchen where nuts, gluten and other allergens are present and our menu descriptions do not include all ingredients. Full allergen information is available on request.

College Council 

The College wants pupil engagement and encourages discussion and purposeful debate, the pupils can have a say in major topics across the College by being part of the College council. They are elected by their peers and bring ideas and discussion points from their Houses, the chair of the Council is elected from the Year 11 cohort and he guides the Council through their meetings with support from teaching staff. The minutes are sent to the Headteacher for discussion at the Senior Leadership Team meeting and a response is posted for all to see. Actions are prompt and a visual signal that the pupils have a voice in life at the College.

Sensory Garden

A stimulating outdoor space that will be continually developing and growing, like the pupils themselves.

The Sensory Garden has been cultivated from the ornamental garden and still features the original colonnade-type structure. It gives pupils access to a fun educational resource allowing them to explore their senses and nature through sound, smell, texture, sight as well as being a calming place to relax and unwind.  

It also offers pupils the therapeutic benefits of nature, which can help ease anxieties, improve physical and mental health as well as ameliorating sensory processing issues. The garden complements the other outdoor educational spaces at the College that like the Forest School, Farm and Horticultural area. 

Pupils will play an active role in the planting of the garden, which will teach life skills like patience and nurturing whilst they wait for their seeds to flower and bloom. The plants and shrubs in the garden are chosen specifically because of their striking colours or because they are extremely tactile or very aromatic. Even in the depths of winter plants will still be eye-catching.

Furthermore, the garden forms part of a wider commitment to the environment, creating a habitat for the wildlife that flock to the College’s impressive National Trust grounds.


Our two donkeys Loopey and Norman, and two alpacas Cuthbert and Rupert live at The Farm. We also have three peacocks with Greek themed names - two males, Hermes and Helios and our Pea-Hen, Lefka. They are joined by ducks, chickens and two farm cats Violet and Beaumont (named in tribute to the Lady of the house). Our guinea pigs Biscuit, Muffin and Cookie live in the Science Block along with Kripke the snake and our lovely Stick Insects. Boarding pupils enjoy seeing our Cherry Barb Tropical Fish in the Boarding House. The animals can provide pupils with a sense of calm, comfort and safety whilst diverting attention away from a stressful situation and towards one that provides pleasure.

Outdoor Life

The College is located on the National Trust Slindon Estate in the heart of the South Downs National Park. The setting provides a fine environment in which to live and to learn daily.  We use our fantastic setting including secure green fields and woodland for teaching, break times and a variety of sporting and Enrichment Activities.

More information about Enrichment Activities.

Contact Slindon College

Sitting in the beautiful county of West Sussex, Slindon is a peaceful village, located just four miles west of Arundel and six miles north-east of Chichester. 

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