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World Book Day 2020

Once again the whole school joined together for our second Cross-Curricular event for 2020: World Book Day! Our English Department took over this time to arrange a series of book related activities. Once again, our parents excelled themselves, bringing book character favourites to life with their extraordinary costume talents!

This day was co-ordinated by Mrs Bull and Miss Gregory. Take a look at this extraordinary event below:

World Book Day Winners

A huge congratulations to our poetry competition winners, including Matthew Levitt who wins the £10 top prize, as well as this years Art Competition (read more below)! Other prizes included Golden Tickets to skip the lunch queue, based on the idea from 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' by Roald Dahl!


Storyteller John Kirk in English

To begin, we had a fantastic time in English as our special guest, storyteller John Kirk, gave creative presentations of two of our most loved stories.

The students learnt about 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl in KS3, where John even became Mr Twit and gave the students instructions as they were in-role as cheeky monkeys!

KS4 tackled 'Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare. A huge thank you to John, this was a fantastic experience for our students!


The Wizarding World comes to PE

“The Quaffle’s released...and the game begins!” 

(Madam Hooch from 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' by JK Rowling)

Our young wizards donned their PE kits, with the addition of a Nimbus 2001 (that is a broomstick to you muggles) as they took on Harry Potter's favourite sport, Quidditch! 

Taught by Mr Belcher, the students' took on this topsy turvy sporting challenge, which was a mixture of Rugby, plus other elements including  the all important catching of the Golden Snitch! Phew! A huge well done to our winners of the matches, who recieved certificates, and in true Potter style: coverted House Points!

Quentin Blake inspired Art

Check out our budding Artists, who with Mrs Middleton and Mr Saysell created the stunning decor for our Dining Room, of course based on the genius storybook illustrator Quentin Blake. Our chefs got arty too, with novel themed food!

The students also created their own whole school 'Time Capsule Novel' with Miss Smith - a book that concertinas out, personally contributed to by all the students. The boys were asked to design one personalised page each using their initial letter as a start point. The results were very effective indeed utilising a wide variety of media and some imaginative approaches. Matthew Levitt won the prize for the most interesting page and the whole book is now on display in the Usborne Library. We hope to make this an annual project. 


Enter the world of Roald Dahl in Drama!

Mr Bentley-Angell had the boys bring to life iconic moments from their favourite Roald Dahl stories with role play and still image, such as 'Dirty Beasts', 'James and the Giant Peach' and more!​​​​​​ The students created aspects of the stories as well as bringing to life the plot of 'The Twits' in pairs, re-creating the hilarious tricks the characters played on each other!


The Science of Marvellous Medicine

In our Science Department, the students have been making some Marvellous Medicine, based on an idea from the novel 'George's Marvellous Medicine' by Roald Dahl. The students created Elephant Toothpaste Bicarbonate as well as vinegar, viewing the extraordinary scientific process along the way! 

This was led by our equally marvellous teachers,  Mrs DraperMr McMahon and Mrs Yusuf-Meighan



Creating The Iron Man in Design Technology

In our Design Technology Department, our students made Iron Man Robots, inspired by the children's classic book 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. This was led by Mr Burbidge, and a fun time was had by all!

Costume Competition Winners

Well done to Toby Robinson and Thomas Crane who win £10 each for our costume competition this year! Look at these fantastic creations!



A huge well done to all the staff, our parents and hardworking students who made World Book Day 2020 the ultimate success it was! We can't wait for next year!


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