Anti-Bullying Week
Our Anti-Bullying Week was an enormous success, aiming to raise the profile of our 'telling school' ethos.
Slindon College is a proud member of the Anti-Bullying Alliance; a unique coalition of organisations and individuals, working together to achieve a vision to stop bullying and create safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn.
The Anti-Bullying Alliance was established by the NSPCC and the National Children's Bureau in 2002 and is hosted by the National Children's Bureau. The aim is:
- To raise the profile of bullying and the effect it has on the lives of children and young people.
- To create a climate in which everyone agrees that bullying is unacceptable.
- To make sure that teachers, youth practitioners, parents, carers, children and young people have the skills and knowledge to address bullying effective
At the start of a very successful week, all of our students and staff were invited to ditch their black school socks and wear odd socks to school - the odder, the better!
An assembly highlighted the importance of 'difference' as we all gathered in the school hall to admire our uniqueness...and our similarities!
Throughout the week, students in all areas of the school took part in a wide variety of creative 'Reach Out' activities, held in House Time. The students made odd sock decorations to fill the hall in time for our big assembly at the end of the week! Special lessons in PSHE and Drama were also crafted to reflect Anti-Bullying Week and touch upon important social issues.
The school also took their pledge against bullying, our Anti-Bullying Alliance badge is proudly displayed below on our website. A special assembly from Head of Houses, Mrs Miles rounded the week up, with our school Prefects for 2022 / 2023 named as our Anti-Bullying Buddies. The Prefects: Vyan (Sussex), Ben (Cowdray), Toby (Norfolk) and Ben (Richmond) provided readings and poetry for the special event held on Friday morning.
Thank you to everyone involved for bringing this important subject to the forefront for our Anti-Bullying Week!