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COVID-19 Pupil Risk Assessment Questionnaire

This questionnaire should take no more than a few minutes to complete.
The questions asked are specific and relate to the known COVID-19 risk.
Please ensure you complete the questionnaire accurately as this will enable an assessment of the pupil's personal "risk" category which will form any necessary adjustments to the pupil's schooling when the College re-opens.
All information provided is confidential and will be used to assign a risk level. The purpose is to reduce risk and protect staff and pupils.

Does the pupil fall in to the Government's category of 'clinically extremely vulnerable' as described on the NHS website?
Does a household family member fall in to the Government's category of 'clinically extremely vulnerable' as described on the NHS website?
Does the pupil, or a member of the pupil's household, have or have recently had (in the last 4 weeks), symptoms that may be caused by coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Has the above listed pupil recently been contacted by NHS Test and Trace and asked to self-isolate?

As emerging external research is pointing to the risks associated with BAME ethnicity and COVID-19, we require the following information to ensure the best possible care for our pupils.

Is the pupil listed above of Black, Asian or Minority Ethnicity?
Will the pupil named above have travelled to a country this summer that requires a 14 day self-isolation on return to the UK? (A list of countries can be found on the Government website)

You have been asked to complete the above declaration of health for the above named pupil specifically in relation to COVID-19 symptoms as well as relevant health vulnerability classifications as per government guidelines. Depending on your response we may subsequently contact you to discuss a potential risk assessment before the pupil returns to Slindon College.
The information you supply will be retained for as long as is needed for the uses identified above and/or is relevant for the period during which we are responding to COVID-19. A review of the process and retention period will be undertaken by the end of Michaelmas 2020.
For further information on how the College manages personal data please see our privacy notes which can be found at: